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Please note: These discussions belong to the realm of the psyche, which is distinct from the physical.


For those new to this subject, understanding the psyche (not exactly the subject of psychology) often falls into the realm of "unknown unknowns." For others, it involves aspects which they do not want to confront deeply but they already recognize them.


Hence, our approach focusses on promoting awareness of a 'Healthy Mind' by introducing the concept of thoughtlessness through technology;


Being aware of the fact that there are no specific methods to understand the Truth or a 'Healthy Mind' and possible misconceptions that can be established due to a method based approach.

Please don’t focus too much on the words themselves, but rather on the energy behind what’s being shared as it is very important for the listener to see it as the speaker keeps speaking (Also consider pausing/rewinding the video { }, to be on the same page as the speaker). So, It's better to listen or watch a video or engage in a discussion to fully grasp the message.

People cling to the words of a person or guru they admire, and in doing so, they miss the true message the guru is trying to communicate. They fail to understand the feeling or intention behind the words, and this misunderstanding is often due to their own conditioning.
This is why introspection without viewing anyone as a guru is encouraged. In fact, this was precisely why Krishnamurti refused to be seen as a guru. For genuine introspection, it's crucial to be fully attentive, to live in the present moment, and to become aware of your conditioning by observing it.

In other words, it’s about entering a meditative or thoughtless state— a state which develops when there is no realisation that you are something, not influenced by conditioning. In this state, you can observe yourself as you truly are, and therefore, understand the real message, like the one described in the video (as the speaker in the video is not different from 'you').

To reach this state, one needs to observe all the identities one has assumed—your profession, status, gender, class, possessions, etc.—and not to recognize yourself as *something*. Do not identify with your mind or thoughts.

In fact, when you're in a meditative state, you don't need to actively search for a solution to a problem. In that state, you can see the root cause of the problem clearly and instantly, and thus, the problem ceases to exist.

Curiosity to Find the Truth for YOURSELF (not by believing someone else's word) is the PREREQUISITE.

For example, Find out what is Love, is it Attachment?​

How does thought arise? What is the source of a desire?

With this approach, it's easy to understand the TRUTH/GOD/INNOCENCE/ENERGY and understanding the compulsive loop of life and complete Freedom.

If you do not understand anything or want to share something, feel free to shoot your doubts, questions and remarks.

The question arises: How does one maintain this understanding after realizing the nature of identities and the need for the state of thoughtlessness? In reality, there is no need to actively maintain this understanding once it has been seen for oneself and realised at that very moment that it's still the same while trying to observe a past experience (an in-depth inquiry (subtle) can take place i.e.  when observer(present) is the observed(past)), then a complete transformation takes place. In other words, for an understanding to be complete, one has to avoid superficial observation. That is, as the insight is realised, do not feel elated and leave the inquiry ( metaphorically, do not shout 'eureka' and run ).

A helpful tip is to approach every moment as if it is entirely new. The key to staying curious and alert is to observe each moment  afresh - a new breath, a new heartbeat, or a new environment, although it appears to be same. This state of awareness (attention/curiousity) also arises during unexpected situations, such as accidents or natural calamities like a tsunami or the COVID-19 pandemic.

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